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City Council adopts final FY 2019 budget, tax rate

Published on September 13, 2018 under RRnews

Round Rock City Council voted unanimously to approve the fiscal year 2019 budget and tax rate at its Thursday, Sept. 13 meeting.

The budget for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1, totals $356.9 million and is supported by a tax rate of 42 cents per $100 valuation. The budget also includes a planned two percent increase in water rates as part of a three-year rate increase plan that was voted on by City Council in 2017 to cover increasing costs.

The City begins the annual budget process to determine needs each spring. The City’s Strategic Plan, updated annually by the City Council at a February retreat, provides the backbone for the budget process. On July 26, the City Manager’s presented a Budget Workbook to council members for fiscal year 2019.

Budget breakdown

Totals for FY 2018 $356.9 million
General Fund $126.5 million
Total Capital Improvement Program $137.8 million
All Other* $92.6 million

*Includes Water and Wastewater Utility, Hotel Occupancy Tax, Drainage, Type B (transportation and economic development sales tax), and other special revenue funds

The Finance Department has prepared an easy-to-read one-page overview to assist the public in understanding and assessing the $356.9 million spending plan for fiscal year 2019. The document covers the tax rate, other rates (water, solid waste, etc.) and funding priorities.

An overview of the spending plans and revenue estimates can also be viewed in the Budget in Brief.

FY 2019 property tax rate

The fiscal year 2019 tax rate is 42.000 cents per $100 of valuation, which is a decrease of 1 cent from the current City property tax rate. The rate is an increase of 1.4 cents from the effective tax rate, the rate that generates the same amount of revenue as last year based on the 6 percent growth in property values from last year.

Of that 1.4 cent increase, 1 cent is for street maintenance projects, .3 cents is for operating costs associated with voter authorized bonds from the 2013 election and 0.1 cents is for additional operating costs to keep up with rising costs and growth.

Key dates

  • July 25 —Williamson Central Appraisal District and Travis Central Appraisal District certify tax rolls
  • July 26 — City Council annual budget work session
  • July 26 — Vote to approve Fiscal 2018 operating budget for the Round Rock Transportation and Economic Development Corporation (Type B)
  • Aug. 9 — City Council vote to publish and propose maximum tax rate, set public hearings
  • Aug. 21 — City Council packet briefing and work session on proposed budget and tax rate
  • Aug. 23 — Regular City Council meeting
    • First tax rate public hearing
    • Budget public hearing
    • First reading vote to adopt tax rate and budget ordinances
  • Aug. 30 — Special called City Council meeting for second tax rate public hearing
  • Sept. 13 — Regular City Council meeting
    • Final adoption of tax rate and budget ordinances
    • Final adoption of utility rate ordinances
    • Ratify property tax rate

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Source: City of Round Rock
