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Council OKs $3 million in stormwater projects to improve drainage

Published on February 24, 2022 under RRnews

Round Rock City Council members approved more than $3 million worth of stormwater, wastewater and water projects at their Thursday, Feb. 24 meeting, primarily aiming to improve drainage around the city.

The stormwater projects will be funded with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Water and wastewater line projects will be funded through the City’s Self-Financed Water Construction and Self-Financed Wastewater Construction funds.

The City expects American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to pay for $10.7 million toward stormwater improvement capital projects over the next five years. Due to this funding source, a previously planned rate increase for the stormwater utility – which customers pay through their water bills – did not take place this fiscal year.

Stormwater Master Plan 2022

The Stormwater Master Plan provides a cohesive plan to guide the City with respect to its long-term goals in management of its stormwater system. It identifies issues such as maintenance of existing infrastructure, solving historically established flooding problems, and strategic regional projects to promote economic development in targeted growth areas. This engineering services contract with Halff Associates, Inc. will reassess the creeks within the City limits with updated data to evaluate potential flood and erosion risks, along with creating a list of areas in need of minor maintenance. More info

Meadows Area 2 & 4 Water, Wastewater and Storm Drain Improvements

Under a previous Meadows Area Drainage Assessment, the City identified and quantified local flooding and determined the level of service provided by the existing drainage infrastructure. The City will contract with HDR Engineering, Inc. to conduct a new analysis to design a solution for the existing drainage issues along with the design of new water and wastewater lines. More info

Round Rock West Area 5 – Water, Wastewater and Storm Drain Improvements

Previous modeling conducted by the City of Round Rock identified infrastructure needs for stormwater improvements to improve drainage in the Round Rock West neighborhood. The City will contract with LJA Engineering, Inc. to conduct a new analysis to design a solution for existing drainage issues along with the design of new water and wastewater lines. More info

Southeast Area 1 – Existing Conditions Drainage Assessment

The City will contract with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for a drainage assessment of the area located between East Palm Valley Boulevard and Louis Henna Boulevard. This area has a history of local drainage issues and flooding as identified by residents, property owners, and City staff. The local flooding is due to multiple factors that are not related to creek flooding. More info

J.1 and J.2 South Creek – Channel Improvements Project

The Dry Branch Tributary 1 at South Creek was identified in the City’s last Stormwater Master Plan as an area of potential flood and erosion risk. The existing channel located near Sweetgum Lane, Expedition Way and Sycamore Trail was evaluated to have significant erosion along the channel banks. The City will contract with Kasberg, Patrick & Associates, LP for professional engineering services to design a solution for the existing erosion problems and prevent further erosion in the area. More info

Chandler Branch Tributary 3 – Channel Improvements Project

This area has a history of floodplain issues as the current floodplain overtops the existing embankments, encroaching into the adjacent private properties. The City will contract with K. Friese & Associates, Inc. for engineering services related to a drainage improvement project that will close a gap in the channel that collects stormwater from the Sunrise Road northern corridor and delivers it to Meadow Lake. The project will reduce the current flood risks to area properties, allow for full development of upstream properties and allow properties along the channel to be developed with minimal flooding risk. More info

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Source: City of Round Rock
