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In 2016, both the Stone Oak HOA and Preserve at Stone Oak OA Boards voted to have a uniform pre-set day each spring and fall. Start time will always be 7:00 AM.

1st Friday (+Saturday) of April
1st Friday (+Saturday) of October

Fall 2022, October 7 & 8
Spring 2023, April 7 & 8
Fall 2023, October 6 & 7
Spring 2024, April 5 & 6
Fall 2024. October 4 & 5
Spring 2025, April 4 & 5
Fall 2025, October 3 & 4


YES!  If the homeowner (landlord) grants you the permission for a pool key, and you fill out the pool waiver form, you may use the pools. All other amenities are “public” space, feel free to use them.

Any community events and parties are open to anyone who lives in the community, regardless of owner/renter status.  If any issues may arise, ANY homeowner may ask you to prove your residence status (ID, water bill, etc).  If you do not feel comfortable providing that to a random homeowner, please get a Board member involved, and a Board member can verify that for the person who is asking.  A Board member or Association Management Representative who feels lack of proof is a problem, has the right to ask you to leave.  Failure to leave would be trespass and authorities will be notified.


The HOA is legally for the homeowners.  The legal entities on the home’s deed are the “homeowners.”  Most HOAs are flexible to long-term renters, if they provide a legally binding power of attorney (ie. proxy) in regards to representing the homeowners rights for that property.


We try to produce a newsletter, however with the lack of community support, we can not provide one as often.  If you are interested, please contact us!

Sign up here:



The HOA does not maintain a record of either your floor plans or land plats.. The land plat should be on file with the county.  Floor plans however are a bit more cumbersome to find.


Visit the Pool Info link on the site.  This contains information on how to get a key, some basic rules, and links to the reservation system.


Visit the Oncor Streetlight website and navigate to the light in the map.  You can also click the search button on the upper left and enter your address, or if you have the pole information handy.


The City of Round Rock water is not as hard as many expect.  While having a water softener will increase the efficiency of your washer machine, and decrease water spotting in your dishwasher, there are no real health issues with not having one.  Don’t feel forced into one by a pushy salesman.


Your HOA dues are primarily for common ground and amenity upkeep.  This includes:

  • Island and right-of-way- watering
  • Island and right-of-way- landscaping (bushes, grasses, etc)
  • Island and right-of-way- mowing
  • Island and right-of-way- lighting
  • Upper Passage pool area- clubhouse maintenance
  • Upper Passage pool area- water
  • Upper Passage pool area- electricity
  • Upper Passage pool area- contractor to clean restrooms
  • Upper Passage pool area- security system maintenance/upgrades
  • Upper Passage pool area- emergency phone (required by law)
  • Upper Passage pool area- Internet access (for phone and security system, due to be upgraded with a hotspot for residents in the future)
  • Upper Passage pool- sanitation systems
  • Upper Passage pool- contractor for pool maintenance
  • Upper Passage pool area/park- landscape watering
  • Upper Passage pool area/park- landscaping (bushes, grasses, etc)
  • Upper Passage pool area/park- landscape mowing
  • Upper Passage pool area/park- dumpster
  • Upper Passage park- special playground mulch replace/topoff
  • Top Rock pocket park- water
  • Top Rock pocket park-electricity
  • Top Rock pocket park-landscaping (bushes, grasses, etc)
  • Top Rock pocket park-mowing
  • Top Rock pocket park- special playground mulch replace/topoff
  • Website hosting services
  • Community Event costs (such as the holiday party, etc)
  • Annual meeting- location rental
  • Annual meeting- food
  • Association management fees
  • Rebuild improvement fund (typically allows the HOA to perform major upgrades every 3-5 years)
  • Rebuild and/or maintain the rainy-day fund (this is maintained for major pool and clubhouse repairs)
  • Liability Insurance
  • many more which may have been missed and will be added in the future.

What your dues do NOT pay for:

  • Board members are volunteers
  • Committee members are volunteers
  • The HOA does not provide pest or animal control
  • The HOA does not provide mailbox services
  • The HOA does not maintain the roadways
  • The HOA does not maintain the street lights
  • The HOA does not maintain any land which the school owns
  • The HOA does not maintain the greenbelts (as they are environmentally protected zones)


Texas Crushed Stone operates a quarry off 1431 and I-35.  Some of this quarry hooks just north of the neighborhood.  The land is permitted by the Williamson County and the City of Round Rock.  Some of his land falls under City of Round Rock ETJ.

Here is a Map of Round Rock city limits(red) and ETJ(green).



Our neighborhood is currently constituted of five associations:

  • Stone Oak Homeowners Assoc (HOA)
  • Preserve at Stone Oak Owners Assoc (OA) aka “The Preserve”
  • Mayfield Ranch
  • Highlands at Mayfield
  • Preserve at Mayfield Ranch

Currently, only the Stone Oak and Preserve at Stone Oak have an amenity sharing agreement.  Simply, what this means is-  Amenities for either Association are available to residents of BOTH Associations.

Why don’t you just combine them?

Long story short, none of the Legal documents “match.”  The Stone Oak Board does not want to conform to The Preserve CC&Rs, The Preserve Board does not want to conform to Stone Oak CC&Rs.   If an agreement was to be met, eventually, the legal fees to adopt a combined HOA would be large, and require a special fee incurred by all homeowners.  A 3/4 vote of all homeowners from both Associations would have to be accepted and pass (not quorum, total homes per HOA).

In lieu of this;

  • Both Associations have established an amenity agreement.
  • Both Associations also attempt to keep the dues equal.
  • Both Associations attempt to maintain the same Committees.
  • Both Boards have historically allowed a “shared” committee structure, which allows for a Preserve member to chair a Stone Oak committee, or vice-versa.  The only Committee in which this cannot happen is the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) of eitehr Association as the Governing documents are very specific that the members of the committee belong to the HOA in which it governs.
  • Both Boards make every attempt to have joint events, sharing the costs.

The end goal has been achieved, the community is one and the neighborhood is united. The only difference is the HOA your land was associated with when your home was built.


Why don’t we have anything similar with the others?

  • It is the understanding the Builder still controls these HOAs.  Stone Oak and/or The Preserve have no problem entering into an amenity share agreement, however it must be agreed upon with all parties.



Click over to to see the old page.   Some sections may no longer work properly and the forums are disabled.


Stone Oak HOA and Preserve at Stone Oak OA residents can access both Associations amenities equally.  Both Boards have a sharing agreement in place.

There is not a similar agreement with any other Association.


Any homeowner in the association has the right to enforce the pool rules, as they are in fact part owner of the pool.  The rules are posted at the entrance of the pool, as well as the Pool Info page on this website.  For your safety, please do not try to enforce the rules multiple times if your first attempt failed; contact a Board member or the Association Management company.  Very last resort would be to call the Police.

If any issues may arise, ANY homeowner may ask you to prove your residence status (ID, water bill, etc).  If you do not feel comfortable providing that to a random homeowner, please get a Board member involved, and a Board member can verify that for the person who is asking.  A Board member and/or Association Management Representative who feels lack of proof is a problem, has the right to ask you to leave.  Failure to leave would constitute trespass and authorities will be notified.

30.06 signs are NOT posted at the pool, however if a Board member or Association management representative asks you to stow and/or leave, please do so.  Failure to do so would constitute trespass and authorities notified.

The Board has not discussed 30.07 signs which may be required starting Jan 1, 2016.  This post will be updated once this is resolved.



This is an age-old question.  LEGALLY, whoever’s land the fence posts are on is responsible.  However, we live in a more relaxed neighborhood.  The fence has two sides, and is an HOA CC&R requirement.  Typically, the fence costs should be split equally.  Whoever is actually contracting the work will more than likely get the “good side” preference.  It would be good to offer a 55/45 or 60/40 split and pay a little more if you prefer the “good side.”  If you both cannot agree as to who gets the “good side” you may either alternate between every fence post, or pay extra to have 2 “good sides”


Stone Oak HOA CC&Rs provide an avenue to the Association to enforce a baseline “look” for the neighborhood to maintain its appeal and value.  City of Round Rock Municipal ordinance also requires any non-ornamental grasses and growths to not exceed 12 inches.

The HOA Board has instructed the Association management company to be somewhat flexible in times of drought when it comes to lack of growth.  However, lack of growth due to unmaintained tree branches is another issue.  The Board has also specified the “length” enforcement to be somewhat lenient, as long as the lawn is groomed and/or maintained regularly.   What this means is, no one will go to you yawn with a measuring stick, but if it appears to be 12 inches high or appears to not be maintained, you will get a violation.
